Life changing income for representing life changing products!

Not All Businesses Are Created Equal

By Rachel Krider

When I sat down to do the math I realized I had stumbled across something truly unique.

I recall a conversation I had with Michael, the gentlemen who introduced me to this business model. Like me, he had previous experience in business and had failed to reach his financial goals the first time round. Not surprisingly my previous business failure left me extra cautious as I simply couldn’t afford to make another mistake.    

Michael’s passing comment to me all those years ago, “you know Rachel, it takes just as much time and effort to acquire and service a customer, whether your profit is $50 or your profit is $5,000. And let me tell you, $5,000 profits add up a lot faster than $50 profits”.

BOOM.  This impacted me big time. 

You see I’d spent the five years prior attempting to build

Prosperity Of Life Rachel Krider

a business in the health space where the profits were around $50 or so per client. After five years and 15 hour days I was burned out and broke. Prior to starting my business I was earning good money as a sales rep in the oil industry. Michael’s comment about big profits had me recall a conversation I’d had with my boss at the oil company. 

“You’re better off going after the big deals. The girl that was here before you only ever chased the small garages. I’m not sure why she did that as I gave her the same advice I’m giving you now. But you’re better off spending your time chasing the bigger 

accounts. You may not get as many, but the commissions will be a lot bigger with those that you do pull off. Now get to work”.

I chased the big clients and within no time was earning well over 6 figures as a twenty five year old and having the time of my life. A change in management saw me leave the company and start my own business. 

First time round in business I jumped right in and didn’t really think about it too much.  Second time round I did the math.  And the math made sense.

Let me take a moment and share with you how the specific elements of the Prosperity Of Life compensation plan work together to provide an unparalleled financial opportunity.

There are three profit center's that a Prosperity Of Life Director can participate in:

  • Big Upfront Profits & Bonuses
  • Leveraged Income
  • Residual Income

Let’s take a look at each of them.

Big Upfront Profits & Bonuses

This is the first opportunity that a POL Director or Coach has to create revenue for their enterprise. By promoting and selling our online courses and live seminars the profits and bonuses range from $500 - $8,000 per sale. 

This bonus structure was particularly exciting to me because I could see very clearly that based on my own network building efforts I could make a strong income based on just one or two sales per week.  

I didn’t want to have to be reliant on the efforts of others in order to make enough money to keep the lights on. So to know that I had full control over this part of sales process was very reassuring. I understood my work ethic and knew that I would 

get the job done. 

Leveraged Income

It is absolutely necessary to have leverage within your business if you want to become wealthy. Leverage within the Prosperity Of Life business model is the key. The leverage that exists within the Prosperity Of Life compensation plan allowed me to double my earnings in my first 18 months of business. $600k was leveraged into a profit of $1.2 million.  

Leverage is the ability to leverage your time and therefore profitability through the efforts of others. 

Bill Gates leverages the time and effort of 65,000 of his employees. You have the exact same opportunity to create leverage within your business here as you build your network. 

I’m reminded of a great quote from Robert Kiyosaki – “The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work”. 

Residual Income 
I remember when I was around twenty years old reading an article about royalties and residual income being paid out to recording artists and performers. Like years after they had recorded the song or stared in the movie they had the ability to earn a check from their previous work - over and over again.  

I remember thinking how cool that would be, but then feeling a little bit deflated as my singing and acting talents were pretty much non existent. 

Then when I understand that the Prosperity of Life compensation plan had a strong residual income component built into the structure, my vision for creating greater levels of wealth expanded.  

Prosperity of Life produce premium wealth creation and life improvement courses on an ongoing basis. Many of your 

customers become product lovers and have the ability to repeat purchase time and time again. Your repeat purchase profits and bonuses range anywhere from $500 - $8000.

Building a strong network of product lovers is an excellent strategy if you’re looking to tap into this third revenue stream while business your business here.

For further information on the Prosperity of Life compensation plan please schedule a Q and A Session

Rachel Krider

Prosperity Of Life Network
Simon and Kara Haggard


“I come from a retail management, sales and business background of over 22 years. Always working for someone else and building their business.
I went looking for a change and a vehicle to allow me to reach new goals, so I went looking for an exit strategy from my previous B2B Sales role. I no longer wanted to have to deal with someone else’s agenda or having the sales target goal posts moved on me. I didn’t want to travel to an office or worry about staff, something that previously I have had to do. I also wanted to surround myself with people who were genuinely achieving more in life and operating with integrity ethics and values. I had a nine month old son at home at the time when I went searching and I was determined to find the balance against these competing priorities.

Then I found this industry and today I work my online business from the comfort of home with the flexibility and autonomy allowing me to work around our commitments as a blended family with five kids.

This business has afforded us with the opportunities to travel, all seven of us  

 went to a company conference on a cruise out of Singapore. We’ve moved our family into a new home and today we work full time from home with the flexibility and ability to generate over $10,000 per month.

Obviously financially it’s been tremendous, replacing an executive level income in  

my first six months, however better than that – I am grateful to be able to work from home with flexibility that this affords both the family and myself. As a Dad, partner and independent business owner I get to choose what’s on my agenda day by day, week by week”.

Simon - Gold Coast, Australia 


Take your next step on your road to success today!



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